Statement from the chair and vice chair of the Rhode Island Democratic Party LGBTQ Caucus regarding the results of Tuesday's presidential election.

The results of this past Tuesday's election were certainly not what many in the LGBTQIA+ community had hoped for.
In an election cycle with many unique variables, the Harris-Walz campaign and the millions of Americans across the country who believed in the ideals of not going back and creating a brighter tomorrow for all, worked tirelessly until the very last ballot was cast, phone bank call was made, and last GOTV text was sent. However, Americans have spoken and returned the awesome power of the presidency to former President Trump and as such the peaceful transition of power will take place.
As Vice President Harris stated in her concession speech, "While I concede this election, I do not concede the fight that fueled this campaign. The fight for the ideals that reflect America at its best: Freedom, opportunity, fairness, and dignity. That is a fight I will never give up." It is now up to us to continue that fight in order to preserve and defend the Republic. Now is the time to strategize, organize, and mobilize to pick up the mantle where this campaign ended and continue the hard work that must be done. This is work that cannot and must not be done by just a few but by each and every member of the LGBTQIA+ community. Yes, we are tired and have been knocked down, but we are far from being knocked out.
Today, we stand on the shoulders of LGBTQ political leaders like Jose Sarria, Harvey Milk, Barbara Jordan, and Barney Frank - all of whom fought for change in a very different time. And now, we are fortunate to have a new generation of LGBTQ political leaders such as Virginia State Senator Danica Roem, Rep. Ritchie Torres, Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and U.S Representative-elect Sarah McBride, who will be sworn in as the first out transgender member of Congress in January, to carry the torch forward.
Let us work to continue to create and provide spaces of hope and safety for the community. Let us hold accountable those leaders who seek to deny our community the basic rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let us join our voices together to amplify that we are here today, we are here tomorrow and that we will never go back.
Thank you to Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz for running a campaign filled with joy and hope, for believing that our country's best days are still ahead, and for being true allies to the LGBTQ+ community.
To quote the late Robert F. Kennedy, "Some men see things as they are and ask, 'Why?' I dream things that never were and ask, 'Why not?'" In the coming four years, we will not hide away from the challenges & struggles that lie ahead of us, we will not be forced back in the shadows in fear, and we will not return to a time of denying our authentic selves because our personal is political.
The good fight and good trouble starts now.
Democratically yours,
Anthony F. DeRose, Chair
Katherine Monteiro, Vice Chair
Editor's note: This letter from Anthony F. DeRose and Katherine Monteiro is republished here as it was originally written by its authors, unchanged with the exception of a copy edit leading to slight alterations to punctuation in the Kennedy quote. Views and opinions expressed here belong to the authors alone. At Options Magazine, the good fight and the good trouble started a long time ago.