West Warwick's second ever Pride festival, scheduled for Saturday June 1, 2024, is offering paid volunteer opportunities this year. The festival will be held at the West Warwick Civic Center at 100 Factory Street from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., and the paid volunteer opportunities are sponsored by the West Warwick Health Equity Zone.
Volunteers will be paid for shifts from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. on the day of the event as well as a one-hour training session prior to the event. Interested volunteers can apply here and  reach out to westwarwickhez@gmail.com with any questions.
West Warwick Pride will also offer six foot long tables to a limited number of organizations and artists, and the tabling space is FREE. Interested parties can apply here and will be contacted by West Warwick Pride if their application is successful. Interested artists and organizations can email westwarwickpride@gmail.com with any questions.
The West Warwick Pride planning committee consists of several community organizations working together to celebrate the diversity of West Warwick Residents of all ages by providing fun and resources. West Warwick Pride is a grassroots effort that first began in 2022.