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Faith-based Adoption Groups Exclude LGBTQ Parents

Myra Shays

The Trump Administration is proposing a rule for the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services that would allow faith-based adoption agencies to continue getting taxpayer funding while they exclude LGBTQ families from their services, based on religious beliefs. Under the proposal, HHS would undo an Obama-era rule that included sexual orientation as a protected trait under antidiscrimination protections.

Said the CEO of GLAAD: "The Trump administration has again demonstrated that they prioritize the work of anti-LGBT activists over the safety and well-being of our children." One estimate shows 123,000 foster children are awaiting adoption, and this rule would make even fewer families available.

"This rule is…the federal government enshrining discrimination into law," stated a Children's Rights attorney. The UCLA Law School finds that same-sex couples are significantly more likely than different-sex couples to be raising adopted or foster children.


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