Addiction Support
AA Brothers in Sobriety: Saturday, 7:30pm. 372 Wayland Avenue, Providence. 751-9328.
​ Web information guide for addiction resources nationwide. Or call 1-877-830-2915.
Alcohol/Drug Helpline: RI Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence. 24hr. (866) 252-3784.
RI LGBT AA Group: Tuesdays 7 — 8 pm Bell Street Chapel, 5 Bell St., Providence, 273-5678. All are welcome.
Seven Hills Behavioral Health: Addiction support services and Narcan. 1173 Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford, MA, 508-999-4159. 310 S. Main Street, Fall River, MA, 508-235-1012. Leonard Amaral, Program Manager,
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous: 12-step program. Fridays at 7pm. Providence Presbyterian Church, 500 Hope Street, Providence, side entrance, downstairs to the left. Gay, but all are welcome.
YPQT (Young People Queer, Trans) meeting of AA. Fridays 7:30 — 8:30pm., Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health, 250 Main St., Pawtucket. 489-5513.